Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Must read: Never say Never.....

I read this on my devotional this morning and I felt so powerful and assured so I decided to share it with my Ib readers....be blessed.

Read on...

The great Napoleon of France, one of the most successful war generals that ever lived, once declared to his conquering troops: " impossible is a word found only in the dictionaries of fools. Reject it!" no wonder hisexploits were nearly limitless! In this year 2015 it does not matter how many if your prayer points has been answered or not, I want you to know that EVERY NONSENSE MUST STOP THIS YEAR! Wonders will happen concerning your life, family.........! Don't lose faith. Refuse to quit trusting, don't lower your expectations. There is a sound of the abundance of laughter in your house! Yeah, I can hear it! Nothing is impossible with God (luke 1:37)
 Remember that most great inventioms/ breakthroughs in the world today, were considered impossible by men or were vehemently resisted. BEWARE OF THOSE WHO STAND ALOOF AND GREET EACH VENTURE WITH REPROOF. THE WORLD WOULD STOP IF THINGS WERE RUN BY MEN WHO SAY "IT CAN'T BE DONE" no wonder swald sanders said, " eyes that look are common, those that see are rare!".in fact in 1899 a U.S engineer declared that "everything that can be invented has already been invented" the telephone was later invented the following year! Then a government official wrote the following about the then new telephone discovery : " the telephone has too many short comings to be seriously considered as a means of communication " what would have happened if the world believed that "mad" memo? There would be no digital lines, Androids, smart and "dull" phones, worldwide today. Learn to develop the force of patience! Ask those who built the great pyramid of Egypt and they would secretly inform you that IT WAS BUILT BY PATIENCE THAT THE QUARRY BECAME A PYRAMID,. IT WAS HY PATIENCE THAT THE GREAT COLISEUM OF ROME WAS BUILT! Never say m"NEVER" because with God all things are possible! Something great is about to happen concerning your situation! Hold on and look up...
I hope you were blessed.....

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